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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Love Purifies You

Love is the finest of all emotions; it is also the most powerful. You can easily hide your thoughts,  feelings, however are more difficulty to hide. When you look at a person's eyes, you can make out his feelings . It is not the same with thoughts, if someone is scheming or conspiring you won't able to make that out.
But love can neither be fully hidden nor expressed. The more you try to hide it, the more apparent it becomes. Love express it itself in so many ways. You don't have to tell anybody you love him: your walk, your work, your talk, your look  will all convey the love. Love oozes out of your very presence.

one who has attained the fullness of love, his throat chokes , and joy manifests itself in all his action. He is unable to speak properly because love cannot be expressed in words. Love has a magnetic impact on everybody around . If you have attained the fullness of love, then everyone will feel secure in your company, in your presence.Who ever comes close to you, will all feel at home, comfortable like coming to mother.

Cleansing power
 your love has the power to purify everything around you.  The line says " Panthavarodha romanchashrubhih parasparam lapramanah pavayanti kulani prithvim cha"  The tears of love purify families, traditions, towns and villages, they purify this earth. Even places where some lover spent his life longing for God become pilgrimage centers.
One who is filled with love , who sheds tears of gratitude , his very presence is enjoyed by those who have crossed over. When your life is blossoming in love, it brings gear comfort, great relief and great joy.
The power of love transcends worlds. When you meditate or engage in any spiritual practice, a portion of the merits goes to upor ancestors, it is clearing a debt, giving or sharing good things that you have . in all religions, when someone departs, there in a memorial service.  When you pray for the departed soul; your prayer, your love , touches the other world. so when you mediate  remember, you are not mediating just for yourself but for this world as well as the unseen world.

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