The teenage loves is growing rapidly among the teenagers children around the world, its because the influences of the modern life and impact of the romantic movies.Most of the teen ages boys and girls think that they are made for each other they are in love and when their parents try to make them understand they feel that their parents are intrupting between their life they feel like their parents are the biggest enemy. The children not knowing that its putting bad effect on their studies & and disturbing their pleasant life of their own.
At this time parents should not take strong action or forcefully action or any hurting words.
Teens at the age 14 15 16 17 18 19 don,t care about the reality of life , they want to live the life what they dreams. Parents should know one thing that at this age the children generally gets attract to opposite sex which they feel themselves that its love but nope its not.
in this condition parents generally loose their patience and starts to scold their children by locking them in room, snatching cellphone, computers, internet etc, threatening their friends that not to talk with her/him , please don't do such things i request to parents, because such things increase the vulnerability in their mind, they starts to think differently like killing themselves, hurting themselves escaping from home etc etc.
Tell your children then don't take any further actions until they grow up don't be so exited give some time to grow the love. Its have full rights to choose their soul mate,
Be positive with your arguments, don't force directly to your child that stop talking or meeting with that guy/girl, the one question will always arise in their mind is "WHY?" . Try to make them understand in pleasant way about the dreams and realty of life, make them understand whats the right time , its better to be like a friend with your child this will make them frank to share everything with their parents.
one things should notice everyone that a real stable relationship needs a lots of caring, understanding, compromising more than any dreams or movie story, that everyone can't bear its responsibility and due to this today's most of the knots of relationship are breaking. So children please first of all see what you are and how much capable you are for a relationship, how much patience and understandably you have? then only go for a relation. I recommend you that don't get in love until you are 20, be friends with whom you like let your bonds be more strong when the perfect time will come for commitment , an inner desire will tell you that its the perfect time. I know this paragraph will feel someone like overwriting but its the real truth of life.
At this time parents should not take strong action or forcefully action or any hurting words.
Teens at the age 14 15 16 17 18 19 don,t care about the reality of life , they want to live the life what they dreams. Parents should know one thing that at this age the children generally gets attract to opposite sex which they feel themselves that its love but nope its not.
in this condition parents generally loose their patience and starts to scold their children by locking them in room, snatching cellphone, computers, internet etc, threatening their friends that not to talk with her/him , please don't do such things i request to parents, because such things increase the vulnerability in their mind, they starts to think differently like killing themselves, hurting themselves escaping from home etc etc.
Tell your children then don't take any further actions until they grow up don't be so exited give some time to grow the love. Its have full rights to choose their soul mate,
Be positive with your arguments, don't force directly to your child that stop talking or meeting with that guy/girl, the one question will always arise in their mind is "WHY?" . Try to make them understand in pleasant way about the dreams and realty of life, make them understand whats the right time , its better to be like a friend with your child this will make them frank to share everything with their parents.
one things should notice everyone that a real stable relationship needs a lots of caring, understanding, compromising more than any dreams or movie story, that everyone can't bear its responsibility and due to this today's most of the knots of relationship are breaking. So children please first of all see what you are and how much capable you are for a relationship, how much patience and understandably you have? then only go for a relation. I recommend you that don't get in love until you are 20, be friends with whom you like let your bonds be more strong when the perfect time will come for commitment , an inner desire will tell you that its the perfect time. I know this paragraph will feel someone like overwriting but its the real truth of life.
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