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Monday, October 17, 2011

Our educational system

 Reforming our educational system
Emphasizing the need for our educational system to shift its focus from insisting on remembring to understanding. Day by day the qualities of educations are decreasing at many school and collages.
The subjects which are difficult for us generally we mug up the answers.We learn subsequently that many a times it pays to mug up the answers properly, because the teacher find it easier to evaluate that way.Many a times it seems that more deviations there is from the way the sentences are fremed in the textbooks, the more risk one loosing marks on the count.
For most childrens studies are the most boring aspects of their lives.Learning instead of becoming fun, is beging considered the most mundane and avoidable activity, Thanks to the propagators of an educational systems that is more information oriented than knowledge oriented.

Some factors due to which childrens generally feel studing is boring aspects:-
1. Too much of syllabus.
2. Too many students per teacher.
3. Lack of enough hands on exercise.
4. Teaching as a routine which aim of completing the syllabus in time rather than a goal imparting the knowledge.
5. The cirriculam more often than not designed keeping in view the most intlligent student rather than  the average student etc are some of the poblem of our educational system.

The following changes we can bring to make the schooling intresting:-
1.       We can have English/Hindi poems that tickle and pickle the young minds and send them on a wild goose case for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
2.       We can have lesson in History that make the child feel proud of his heritage instead of asking him to mug up the years of the events.
3.       The physics and chemestry lessons be taught more in the labortories than in the class rooms.
4.       A system can be devised so as to make the educational excursion compulsory in schools so that visits to historical/botanical places ensured without fail.
5.       The educational institute start off interschool projects on the internet, the way the schools at aboord do, so as to encourage the child to explore on her own and sum up her finding in the form of a report.
Finally we can make the wonder of the childhood  last and get carried forward into the adulthood instead of forcing pre-mature adulthood on childhood? For one we have realise that it is worth  doing so. We should ask our child to go ahead in choosing to write the answers on their own, in
In their own language by giving vent to them the most fanciful imagination.!!

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